Flat Earth
Science fiction novel about flat Earth
For hundreds of years, we have believed that Earth was round and revolved around the Sun. Ancient philosophers and sailors were among the first to believe that Earth was ball-shaped. However, it was difficult to provide the ultimate evidence for the shape of Earth and the heliocentric model. Modern science has presented experimental evidence that Earth is a globe and that the Sun is in the center of the Solar System, and it seemed that these questions were answered once and for all.
Yet, there are still unexplained phenomena and controversial experiments with ambiguous results that keep raising the question about the shape of Earth again and again. Instead of providing definite answers, new experiments raise new questions. This inevitably opens a dilemma about the very nature of our world.
In the science fiction novel Flat Earth, Daniel Gabe is a physician who, in his school days, had a dilemma about whether to study physics or medicine. He went on to study medicine and completed his education with a PhD in psychiatry. Nevertheless, he has never lost interest in physics and this leads him to meet a mysterious man who undermines his beliefs about the shape of Earth and the nature of our world. His research brings him to a discovery that changes his life forever. It will change yours too.
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